It's been way too long since I last posted anything. I guess I just don't have enough time in a day. Or not enough time on the computer. I think I am just working way too long in the day. I should slow down and work half days or something. Maybe go out and try to win the lottery!!! Ha ha, what a waste of money though. It's funny though, to watch people go out to buy the lottery tickets when it gets to a certain amount. To me, I don't see much winners from this area so the odds of winning isn't that great. It's always those Easterners that win (I believe that's east of the Mississippi or is it east of NM stateline???) Anyway, I'm not so lucky in winning the big things. I win the small things like CDs, baseball tickets, concert tickets, things like that.
So what's happened for the past 6 months? With my memory, it's would be a miracle to remember all the good things, fun things but I can't. I guess as I try to continue to write I might remember some things.
For one, my niece, Juella got a new kitty. He's a monster, though. I will have to get some pics up of him. He loves to bite and scratch. Especially if you are a guy!!!! I think he gets jealous when Juella's male friends come over for a visit!! It's pretty funny watching them get away from him. His name is Jimmy. He's all white, short hair and a monster. He loves to drag around stuffed animals, doesn't matter the size either. He's funny trying to drag the big ones around. He just goes and grabs something off of Juella's shelf. He loves to play with crumbled up paper. He can play for hours with that. The cat at my work is the first cat I saw do that. Now I hear another person's cat does that, too.
For the past week or so, we haven't had any missionaries in our ward!!!! I didn't know that. Now I know why their lights were on all night long for two nights in a row. Their van was parked in the same spot for three days. I didn't ask where they were, went, just that they weren't around here for almost a week. They both left this morning, headed out to another area. So we have two new Elders but I haven't seen them yet. I live right next to them. I don't know how that happened. Well, I do but it's weird how it happened. I was living in another apartment but that was just too stinky. I didn't like the smell of cigarettes always being in the apartment. Finally the manager came over and she said it was like I was the one smoking. After that they found another apartment for me and I ended up right next to the missionaries and the next building is where my sister and niece live.
More stories to come. It's getting late and I need some rest.............