Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I uploaded some pictures I had on my camera. This is my niece Juella. She's been wanting me to teach her to drive. She has a hard time driving my car as it's with a stick shift. We go over to the Hoffmantown church parking lot and practice driving. We end up laughing a lot more than driving. She lets the car die out, she skids out as she takes off. Once she gets it going she wants to speed!!!! Once we were driving in the back of the church and there was this rabbit sitting there in the way. She thought it was just something like a tumbleweed and sure put the brakes on as she saw it move. We must have sat there for 5 minutes laughing about it. One day she wanted to drive my car down the street where my parents live. I told her it was ok but she had to back out of the driveway. She's like "Huh? You want me to do what?????" I walked her through it and she actually made it out of the driveway but couldn't get it to go forward. A car was coming down the street so she jumped out of the car and ran!! I had to jump in and move out of the way. Then I told her to get back in and drive down to the stop sign. It's like two tenths of a mile. She did ok, didn't jerk the car like before. I told her practice makes perfect!

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