Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This is Jimmy. Juella's baby, I know it's a cat. But he's a handful. I have other pictures of him and you'll be seeing more of him. He's got problems. He loves to bite people. He's been trying to bite my neck but I won't let him. He loves to use people's legs as a scratcher. Just imagine in your minds how our legs look these days!! Maybe I'll get a picture of 'em one of these days. He loves to play with those ties that come with your breads. He can spend the whole day with them. We run out of them fast as he seems to lose them around the apartment. Not many places to lose 'em but he does. Maybe he eats them. Then again Joan probably takes them away from him. He's got his favorite stuffed animals. He thought that since Juella just has them sitting on the shelf, he'll put them to better use. So those are all over the apartment as well.
He gets the message to those male visitors to the apartment. SCRAM. He knows when to attack those guys. But Corey knows how to stop him from doing that to him. I guess Jimmy will allow him in the apartment, but no one else.

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