Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oom Poppa Mow Mow

Yep, Elvira is 30 years old!!
The Boys are back in New Mexico next week. They were here 7 months ago, up north at Buffalo Thunder Resort and Casino with their Christmas Show. Hmmm, does that mean they're here for their Christmas in July show??? Ha, just kidding. That just came to mind. You know, you usually hear "Christmas In July" during this time of the year. Anyway, back to the Oaks, they are doing a show in Bernalillo at the Santa Ana Casino - Bosque Center. That's a great place for a concert!! Not a bad seat in the house. I can't wait to see the Boys. Been a fan of theirs like forever!! I go back to when I first heard their song "Y'All Come Back Saloon" on the radio when I was living in Provo, Utah. Little did I know that a couple of years later they would do a show at the Marriott Center on the BYU campus!!! I've been to several of their shows, been to their fan club Open House. Was even crazy enough to follow them for a week and saw 8 shows!!
The 2 fires up near Santa Fe are still going. The Donaldson fire is just about out, they said by tomorrow night.
Good night!

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