Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 2011

September is here!! Green chili roasting across town at many grocery store parking lots!! Love the smell. Not sure about eating the stuff, though. If it's not too hot, it would be great. And now the NM State Fair is just around the corner. Seems like the 2010 fair ended a couple of months ago. Boy how time has flown by the past year.
Pretty soon the hot air balloons will be dotting the Albuquerque skies!! There are 3-5 balloons that go up almost every morning from Coors Rd, north of Montano. You know they're in the air when you hear the dogs barking. Our dogs bark, too. Well, the little one runs around trying to figure out what the other dogs are barking at. I sometimes go out there and point out the balloons to her and then she just goes berzerk with running, barking and jumping.
Well, I will enjoy September. I hope to get to the fair at least once while it's here. Not sure if they're doing what they did last year. No fair on Mondays and Tuesdays. It starts Friday, Sept. 9 and runs thru Sept. 25th. Crazy, huh? Navajo Nation fair is also going on the first weekend that our fair starts. I think it starts on Wednesday or Thursday thru Sunday. I believe Utah and Tennessee have their state fair as well, going on during this time too. Their's just run 2 weeks, though.

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