Thursday, April 7, 2011

Not A Happy Camper

One thing I hate right now is the dryness. No rain for many, many months. When we did get rain, it was just a couple of drops. Not enough to really drench the ground. With snow, it was like about 4 snowflakes and that was it. So with it being so dry there is fire danger in the whole state. Several places have been hit with fires and it's not over. Then there's allergies. Juniper was the culprit awhile back and it made me miserable. I hadn't suffered that bad in years. I thought it was all going away. Now the wind had been blowing like crazy and there's all these things in the air and I can't stop sneezing. My eyes are just watery and people probably thinking that I am really crying. I am not alone. I see the many people around town who are suffering like me. Some are really bad so I shouldn't be complaining too much. It's not as bad as some I had seen. I feel for them. The winds have died down. They said rain today, but nothing happened. Clouds came and then they were all gone. Not a drop fell. It was nice to see some clouds though. And it was colder than usual. People complained about how cold it was. They just don't remember it gets cold in April especially when baseball season starts at Isotopes Park. The game started today. I remember all the years going to the Dukes games and freezing cold most nights in April. We just take our jackets and blankets and enjoy the games. I haven't been to an Isotopes game since they came to town. Too expensive to buy tickets. I miss the old stadium. This one is good, but it's not the same. And then my brothers aren't around either. That makes it kind of hard to get to the games because they were always at the games. I will go to at least one game this year! I won tickets to Tuesday night's game (April 12). I won from the radio station. Yay for me!! Allergies have to go away, please. I want to go outside and not have to sneeze and wipe my eyes.


Tacy Marie said...

We have a new baseball stadium too and I always say I'm going to go but never do. I like the minor league team in town, The St. Paul Saints... games are cheaper and there is a choo choo train that drives behind the stadium :)

AND seriously WHAT is the secret to winning radio station contests. You obviously do SOMETHING to beat the system all the time!

Karen said...

That's cool about the choo choo train! Will have to check that out! I didn't go to the game afterall. My nephew wanted to go so I gave him the tickets.
As for winning, well, my secret is to have Lady Luck with you. I don't know how it is that I seem to win. Easiest way for me to win is answering trivia questions, getting bonus codes from the radio stations. I participate in 3 radio stations Rewards program. I earn points and use those points to win prizes. The more you can use, the better. If a prize is 200 points, I try to get 400 tickets which uses 80,000 of my points. If it's something that a lot of people are going for, then I use as much as I can. Fortunately I have over 7 million points with 2 stations and over 5 million with the other one. Don't ask me how I got that many, well, I don't try for a lot of prizes. Most of the prizes are open to other stations across the country. I don't go for any of those. Only those that say Local. And with calling into the radio station, well, it's just luck.