Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is That A Raccoon?

The other night, I was in the middle of a dream when the dog started barking. So I got up to let them out (2 dogs). I heard other dogs barking as well. I thought that there were some people along the irrigation ditch in the back. So after about 10 minutes I thought I better get the dogs back in before the neighbors call the police. Well, I couldn't get them to come in. They were barking like crazy out there with the other dogs. The yard is huge and they were way out there barking with the dogs that live back there. I tried to get them to come in but they wouldn't. This is going on like 20 minutes. I finally get my flashlight and go get them. I looked around to see what they were barking at. The wind was blowing as well. Then I saw something move in the tree above and I thought it was a cat. So I told them that it's just a cat. I shined the light up at it and it turned and looked at me and it was a RACCOON!! What was it doing in our yard??? I tried to get the dogs to come towards me so I can get them inside. All I could picture was Elf (the movie, the raccoon part). I was so afraid it was going to jump down on me. Momo finally came to me and I tried to grab her but those other dogs started barking again. She ran from me. So here I am trying to get her, which I finally did. I took her in the house. Now how to get Sparky inside. She's a much bigger dog. Hmm, what to do. Finally went inside and tried to wake someone up but they were all sound asleep! Here I am wide awake. I went back outside to get the dog. I grabbed her and told her to come with me but she was trying to get away from me. It was so funny and I was laughing trying to drag her in. She had no collar on so I was holding onto her skin telling her that it's going to hurt if she tries to run away. I tried to pick her up but she was too heavy. I started to laugh. I walked her to the house, but the house was getting farther and farther away. I thought it's going to be sunrise by the time I get to the house. I was laughing most of the way to the house. I thought about letting her go and try to find something to tie to her and pull her that way. But I thought how hard it would to grab her. So I continued to walk her to the house. We finally made it. I looked at the clock and an hour had already gone by. My nose and eyes were runny by the time I got inside. I told the dogs they were not going back outside till daylight. I put a note on the door telling everyone not to let the dogs out. I don't think anyone got up during the night and the dogs were quiet even though the other dogs were barking their heads off. I finally fell asleep and didn't wake up till 7. Those dogs wanted out by then and I let them out. No raccoon in the tree. The neighbor next to me said he thinks the raccoon lives around the area as he's seen it before but thought it was a really big cat. Found out that the other neighbor keeps the dog food outside. I think that's what brings it around. And everyone in the house said, "Why didn't you wake me up?" Huh? I tried. They are all sound sleepers. Me? I have to be one of those light sleepers. I hate that cuz I seem to wake up a lot. The trains toot their horns and I can hear them!! Most times I leave the radio on so I don't have to hear the other noises. I wanted to get my camera and get a picture of it because I knew no one would believe me. They all seem to think I actually saw a cat. Now I wish I got the camera!! Ha. That would have been funny trying to get a picture of it when it's pitch black.

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