Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Can not believe that April is halfway over (almost). Seems that I am not caught up to date. My days are just confusing at times. I forget what day it is. For some reason I kept thinking today (Thursday) was Friday. (I am still up from Thursday). Anyway, I finally got the days back in order. I just hope I don't think we're on Saturday. Very confusing.
I've been back at sewing. I made a little outfit for my great niece. She fits into 18-month old clothes bought at the store. She doesn't fit in 18-month old clothes made at home!! These patterns they put out for that size is way too big. There was a guide to cut the elastic and I thought "this is too big for her." I cut it out and when I finished the garment and tried it on her, it was like 2-3 times bigger than her. So I had to fix it to fit her. I made a couple more outfits for her but this time made sure it was cut to fit her. Her parents are happy with the new clothes. Seems that they've been holding on to the newborn sizes and trying to make her wear them. And then they squeezed her big feet into these tiny shoes!! What were they thinking!! Poor thing. I took the shoes off her and she was ready to go run around the house. But wait! She realized that she wasn't ready to run on her own. She's trying to, though. Each time she fell on her butt and was about to cry but realized that it wasn't going to get her anywhere. She got up and tried again to walk on her own. She doesn't try to grab hold of the furniture or wall to help her, she wants to go on her own. Such as funny kid. Then she discovered the dogs outside. She wanted to go out there and watch them. I had her touch one of them with her foot and she screamed out in laughter. She thought that was so funny. She wanted to do it again but the dog wanted nothing to do with her. I guess the dog is just a scaredy-dog.
I had to go pick up my niece at work today. She wanted to go to the bank or the ATM to get some money to pay for the phone. Then I told her I was getting hungry as I hadn't eaten since early morning. She said I can go ahead and eat as she had a lunch date with her friend. So I just stopped at McDonald's for a quick bite of a hamburger. At least get something so I don't pass out while driving. She was telling me about her friend and how he was afraid to tell his family that he quit his job. I guess they got angry at his cousins for quitting their jobs/education. One wanted to go to culinary school but they told him that was not a good idea. He was studying some other major and decided that wasn't for him. He had started working fast food and really enjoyed it. So he thought cooking was his thing to do. The family quit helping him out. That's sad as they don't see that what he was interested in wasn't what they thought he should do. I guess his sister got a degree in education and decided she wasn't all that thrilled in teaching afterall. She wants to do something else and they shot her down. She's not doing much these days. Then I told my niece of what I thought they should do. When we got to her house she told me "Auntie, you always know the right things to say. Thank you."
Wish me luck today (Friday the 13th). The radio stations (3) are out today giving away a Red, White & Blue lottery scratcher ticket to the first 50 people who visit wherever they are. I hope to be lucky and get a ticket, a winning ticket!! People say I am so lucky when I win things. Those things I win are 'small' things. I mean, like the last 6 Roadrunner Cash tickets I bought turned out to be $1 winnings. Yep, $6 is what I've won so far. It's not much of a jackpot, not like the millions these other ones give away. I like buying a ticket here and there for the Roadrunner Cash. Someone had just won about $225,000 and it's back down to $27,000 today. I think the most it went up to was around $600,000. I don't know if they ever announced who won that one or if it was several people who won.

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