Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today is Sunday and it's the second day that we've encountered a cloudy day. The sun was trying really hard to break through the clouds, but the clouds were too strong. Not much rain today. Yesterday there were these huge black clouds coming in over the Sandias and I thought for sure that was going to be the one to flood the city. Well, not exactly flood where we have to swim around, just to cover the streets and make everyone do crazy things like drive into the parts that are covered with water and wonder what happened. That kind I thought was coming it but it didn't do much. Just dump rain east of Louisiana Blvd. The rest of the city got nothing, maybe a drop or two. Today it's been cloudy with the sun trying to peek through but no rain. Well, there was this little bit that I think fell at the airport. Other than that, nothing.
We've had bear problems too. They like coming into town. I know it's because they're interested in how their team is doing (the Chicago Cubs). That's all they're interested in. But they've been killed because they seem to want to attack people. I know they scared this one lady who lives alone up in the mountains. The sheriff had to shoot him because he tried to get into her trailer. I'd be scared and tell to hurry and shoot. I think they said 31 bears have been shot and killed so far this year which is the most ever in the state.

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