Monday, January 23, 2012

The Dirty Dozen a.k.a. 2012

My buddy Myles said that we should use THE DIRTY DOZEN this year.
Well, another year has come and gone. A new year has started and I haven't posted a thing. So I need to do something at least once a month if possible. And maybe I could get to doing it more often. I can come up with a million excuses about not posting things more often.
I do have a good reason for not posting lately. You see, I have my computer set up at my parents house. My nephew uses it every now and then. The other members of the family don't care to use it as they don't care to use the computer. They (my parents) would rather stick to the old fashion way of communicating. Writing letters or calling long-distance to the relatives.
Well, one day my nephew just had a fit. I don't know what caused it but he got very angry over some stupid thing and took it out on the computer and the television. He just threw them across the room and was very angry for days. Then he left and stayed with his girlfriend for a while because he thought we were all mad at him. It didn't matter to me if he broke my things. It's just less things to worry about.
2012 has started out to be interesting. Strange things have happened that I never thought would. Both good and bad. I will write about that in another post.
This is all for now. It's really late and I need to get some sleep. I had no idea how late it is. Crazy me!

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