Saturday, November 7, 2009

Random things

Lots of things on my mind these days. It's almost the end of 2009 and it seems like I've accomplished nothing. It just seems that way when you look at the whole big picture. Other thing on my mind is the many people that have come into my life. If I had my car, then I wouldn't have met so many people. There are like a million people here (not really that much, but it seems to be). Each of these people that I met have had their ups and downs in life. Some are going thru some really hard times now. One lady was happy that I befriended her about 6 months ago. We see each other every now and then. The other day she was telling me what was going on with her. After talking with her she told me that she was glad we ran into each other. She had to hear someone else tell her that all will be ok. I have to hear things like that myself. Sometimes I think all is going wrong till I talk to someone who had no idea what I am going through and then they tell me I am in my right mind, sane, etc. This one man was so excited about going back to school! He's in his 40's, had such a bad time the past few years. He said that he's not going to let the negative things get the best of him any more. He said that he's not going to feel sorry for himself for letting things get the way they are now. He wants to learn something and get a better job despite what people tell him, that he's too old to do that. I told him it's never too late to do anything. He said he's going to take my idea of making negative things that come to him into positive things. I do that often. I am not going to let the negative things keep me down. There's always that positive side, at least that what I believe.

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