Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013

We have a new baby. Seems this is the time for new babies. Several friends have mentioned the births of their babies!!! Yippee for March babies, even though it should be February. Oh well.
So life is just crazy these days. I wonder if we were all doing the right things, not picking the wrong things, as in saying bad things to others around us, being mean to them just because or even spreading rumors, awful ones about the others around us, if we were all just being good, would our lives be wonderful? I think it would. Just that some people like to make other peoples' lives miserable. Even their own family members. I just don't understand that. Why does have to be "all about me" to these people. Don't they know of the blessings they could get if they share, be nice, help others would make their lives? Or do they just love to live in misery. Very sad if they choose the misery. They just have no idea what happiness is all about. So sad that they have to make those around them miserable. And worst of all, it's sad that the little children have to live in that kind of world. Never knowing what happiness is about. I talked to a young person and that young one has no idea what the world is all about because that person has been sheltered in this miserable life. So sad. This person is really bright but there are people that are not letting that person see that. It will be sad if this person doesn't make it all the way to high school graduation. This person is headed to dropping out of school and no one seems to care. Now if I could take all these children away, I would and give them all the attention they need. And all the love. Sometimes I think they are given 'fake' love. I don't know if you know what I am saying. I just see things and you can tell when it's real and not.
Well, this crazy life has got to change for me. I don't like it.
I'm trying to find out what I need to do with me. Seems that I am going in circles with everything I want to do.
Just crazy talking.
So I will end here.